Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire

Take Me To Your Leader

Categorised as: Typecasting

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  1. Strikethru says:

    I’m really curious to see how Obama’s “veepstakes” (oh, CNN…cut it with the cutesy crap) shakes out.

  2. sottovoce says:

    Yes indeed. There seems to be a growing consensus that Hillary Clinton may *not* be the choice. With the caveat that I am so politically illiterate that I could rightly be considered an “anti-pundit” (a “tidnup?”), I think the two of them would make a powerful team. A good VP should be able to work Congress, especially the Senate; I think that Ms. Clinton could handle that ably.

    The other question is, of course, who Mr. McCain will pick . . .

  3. Strikethru says:

    I personally support her but I think she would bring a lot of baggage to the ticket. I think the next few months will be interesting indeed…

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