Sitting here in my favorite chair in the den as the clock chimes ten; the cats have finally worn each other out from the evening’s wrestling. Reading a biography of an eccentric Englishman and savoring the cool breeze drifting through the window, and for some reason I find myself remembering a radio interview I heard many years ago while driving home one day in Santa Fe in my beloved canary-yellow ’72 Volvo sedan.
The interviewee was a famous wealthy businessman — I can’t remember who it was — who had just written an autobiography. I remember that he was funny, self-deprecating, and possessed of many fine and funny anecdotes.
The interviewer wrapped up by asking him if he had any advice for young people.
“Yes I do,” he replied. “Develop your eccentricities early. If you wait until you’re older, people will think you’re just going crazy.”
I have never forgotten that advice.
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xkcd and typewriters, it doesn’t get any better!

…back to typecasting next week ‘cuz I didn’t bring a typewriter (or a scanner for that matter). If only our electro- wizards could invent some sort of magical “tele-typewriting” gizmo that could allow me to post typewritten text instead of using these ephemeral “electrical words.”
If we but had such devices, we could have conquered Mars with fleets of metal airships by now.
The times we live in, hmmm?
I woke up this morning at around 4:00 a.m. from a weird dream (a lady and her son kept breaking into my mom’s house to do laundry; we finally caught them in the act but they were defiant until I went all Alan Shore on them) and was just about to fall asleep again when a big summer thunderstorm came blowing in from, it sounded like, the south off the bay.
The lightning was pretty impressive, and as it got closer and brighter it played this neat strobe effect on the ceiling fan. Dim flashes made it appear to hiccup; big flashes made up of several rat-a-tat bursts made the fan appear to start spinning backwards.
It was a very mind-bending optical illusion that really made me appreciate the sometimes fuzzy line between what we are really seeing and what we think we are seeing. It was a good enough show for MJ and me to play “ooh, didja see that one?” for a good half hour until the storm finally drifted away and we along with it.
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And speaking of my new iWalkman, I’m writing this with the new WordPress app. Podblogging just became a whole lot easier! Now if I cokld juisdt learm tp typrr with thos tiny krybpsrd …