What’s Old is New Again
Recycling is cool as well as socially responsible, right? So I’ve been busy moving over old posts (all of 2007 to the present are now up) and more recently I’ve been creating new pages with the sidebar content from the old site.
This morning, I found a great quote that I wanted to add to Received Wisdom, and figured that it was as good a time as any to get that page over here too. So in between bites of cinnamon toast I inserted lots of italics and blockquotes and had the opportunity to revisit some of my favorite quotations collected over many years of reading.
The review reminded me that both the “Found Objects” quotes (little pieces of logosam* that I have found bobbing merrily on the surface of the written word over the years) and the longer “In Context” quotes really follow stream-of-consciousness arcs if you read them in sequence. It’s an interesting breadcrumb trail of my journey of discovery.
Anyway, just wanted to point you to the new Received Wisdom page and encourage you to wander through it. Feel free to leave a favorite quote or two in the comments, too.
* the word equivalent of flotsam and jetsam
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