Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire

Some Unsolicited Advice for the President, who Presumably Does Not Read This Blog Anyway

Dear Mr. President:

In Washington, the bullies set the terms of the debate. There are only two ways to deal with bullies: kick their asses in public, or humiliate them in public.

Please pick one and do it, so that you can get back to doing what the people sent you to Washington to do.

This compromise schtick is getting really old.

Paul Lagasse

PS — While you’re at it, please replace Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Reid with people who have backbones.

Categorised as: Life the Universe and Everything

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  1. Alan says:

    I was thinking just this morning that the inmates are running the asylum. As president, he has an obligation to serve the best interests of *all* citizens, but that doesn’t mean capitulating to everything they want.

    I think part of the right’s strategy is that they *know* that they cannot block passage of Obama’s policies, so–knowing that the Dems have a tendency to cave under pressure–they raise enough ruckus about this-n-that until what does pass is so watered down as to be ineffective. Then they point and say, “See? We told you they can’t do anything right.”

    Amen to the PS.

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