Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire

Live-Blogging BWC

4:10: Wrapping up for the day. The last session has begun, and they took the coffee out of the room at lunch so there’s not much left to do. So, signing off!

2:25: Lunch was great, we had fun chatting with a couple of conference attendees. I was struck by how universal the experiences of writers are, no matter the age or background. Much nodding of heads and sympathy.

12:06: First chance to type all morning. Very busy! Lots of signups, one new membership, and Gary scored a big order of anthologies for the Towson bookstore! Can’t check e-mail for whatever reason. Nice crowd, lots of conversations. Larry Doyle was a funny keynoter.

More soon…

Categorised as: Podblogging

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  1. Mary Jo Lazun says:

    Sound like a productive morning!! Sorry no email.


  2. Cheryl says:

    Um… what’s BWC? (possibly a dumb question)

  3. Mary Jo Lazun says:

    BWC is for the Baltimore Writers Conference.

  4. sottovoce says:

    @Mrs. Sotto Voce — Sorry I had to resort to using a blog as a way to say “Hi Honey!”

    @Strikethru — Sorry, I should have explained. BWC is the Baltimore Writers’ Conference at Towson University. I had hoped to live-blog with my trusty PowerBook and a camera, but the thing’s still in the shop so I had to resort to pecking out mini-posts on my iPod touch. Maybe next time…

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