Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire


  1. sottovoce says:

    Apparently “It’s in pretty/really good shape” is a favorite phrase of mine.

  2. JoeVC says:

    Nice workshop setup!

    I didn’t know you were also an airship fanatic – at least, I assume so from the decor behind you in the video. I too am a helium-head!

    • sottovoce says:

      Thanks! The basics seem to have settled down in place but I’m constantly tweaking the layout the more I work.

      I am indeed an airship fanatic! I’ve been collecting airship books since high school. I’m particularly interested in the history of Britain’s Imperial Airship Scheme and the people involved in it. (And if you will please forgive me tooting my own horn for a moment, I published a young-adult novel about the last days of the Zeppelins back in 2006.)

      Do you have a particular area of interest re: airships?

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