Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire

Up and Coming

The website for my forthcoming book, Seeing Through Clouds, is currently under construction as a subdomain on this site. Take a look and let me know what you think.

The cover art is by Ron Blalock and the graphic design of the book is by Bill Gordon. The site colors and font are based on their work. I humbly stand on the shoulders of giants.

The plan is to launch the site under its own domain name when the book launches early next year. Lately I’ve been spending most of my free time (literally; as in, time I don’t get paid for) working on getting the book, the website, and the marketing plan into shape.

Now I understand what the pros mean when they tell you that writing (and editing and rewriting and editing and rerewriting and editing and …) is really only the beginning. And that goes double for those of us who are choosing the self-publishing route.

By the way, I hope some of you readers (all 3 of you) are wondering why a professional writer with a decent track record of stable freelance sales would choose to go the self-publishing route. I’m hoping this because I have some strong opinions that I’d really love to share, and Mary Jo is tired of hearing them. So since I don’t have a comment feature, you’ll just have to write me and we can have a nice one-to-one conversation about it.

And for those of you who intuit that a writer could decide to go the self-publishing route precisely because per has a decent track record of stable freelance sales — you are blood of my blood.

It’s All Downhill From Here

The debate over Thinly Veiled Christian Mysticism vs. God-Hating Liberal Atheistic So-Called “Science” Just Because Their Experiments Work Grumble Mumble has been joined on a new front. Case in point:

Gravity played role in New Orleans’ bridge failures

According to the article, a team of researchers from the University of Missouri-Rolla “believes NewtonÂ’’s theory of gravity can explain why the 65-foot concrete slabs dropped off their supports into Lake Pontchartrain.”

Take that, Intelligent Falling proponents!

Now if the architects’ lawyers can just figure out how to sue Mother Nature for contributory negligence…

Filing the Buddha

” You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, ‘What did that man pick up?’ ‘He picked up a piece of Truth,’ said the devil. ‘That is a very bad business for you, then,’ said his friend. ‘Oh, not at all,’ the devil replied, ‘I am going to let him organize it.'” — J. Krishnamurti, “On the Dissolution of the Order of the Star of the East”

I didn't think it deserved a trophy. I didn't even think it deserved a pizza.

Maybe a pizza trophy.