The incident at Barker Air Force Base demonstrated once and for all the hostile intent of the strange alien visitors, continued the reporter’s account. And as the news quickly spread around the globe, similar reports began flooding in from the major cities of the world. Even the state news organs from behind the inscrutable Iron Curtain carried reports of mysterious saucers zapping aircraft from the skies. What did it all mean? Where did these spacecraft come from? Why had they traveled millions of miles across space to reach Earth? And now that they were here, what did they want?
The world’s greatest scientific minds immediately stopped whatever projects they were working on and pooled their formidable brain power in an effort to solve the mystery. Studying the reports from around the world, the scientists quickly discovered a startling pattern in the reported flight paths of the mysterious saucers — a pattern that might yield the first clue to defeating these terrifying invaders.
* * *
One hundred fifty miles off the California coast, the U.S. Navy blimp Peregrine was making steady progress eastward as it neared the end of a routine four-day anti-submarine patrol. The giant silver airship had been bucking headwinds for the past twelve hours, and its crew of 18 tired sailors were looking forward to an extended shore leave once they landed.
In the airship’s cockpit, Commander Rick Darrow removed his ball cap and massaged his scalp and eyes, stifling a yawn. “Just another few hours and then we’re home, Stew,” he said to the lieutenant seated in the co-pilot’s chair next to him. “I tell you, I’m going to sleep for a week.”
Lieutenant Don Stewart smiled as he pushed the wheel down to counteract the effect of a sudden gust. “Yeah, Skipper, I know what you mean. But don’t you have someone waiting for you when you get back?”
Stewart jerked his thumb over his shoulder “Sparks told me. He said he saw you at the cinema last week with a rather shapely Navy nurse.”
“Why that no good . . . ,” Darrow smiled, rubbing two day’s worth of stubble on his formidable chin. “She’s just a friend of the family. Transferred from Alameda and needed someone to help her find a place to stay.”
Stewart shook his head. “That’s not what I heard, Skipper.”
Darrow turned to face Stewart with mock indignation. “Say, who are you going to believe? a reputable senior officer or that little weasel of a reprobate back there?”
At that moment, a mop of orange hair attached to a round smiling head leaned into the cockpit. “Reprobate, huh? Are you talking about me again?”
“O’Casey, I ought to . . . ”
“He says the nurse is a friend of the family,” Stewart said, his emphasis indicating his skepticism.
“My sister’s friend, actually . . . ”
“You two sure looked mighty friendly walking along the boardwalk, Skipper.”
Blushing, Darrow waved dismissively at his radioman. “Aww, Sparks, you’re full of beans.”
O’Casey made a show of looking crestfallen. “And here I thought our dear Skipper had at last found true love.”
“If my sister were to hear you now, she’d . . . ” Darrow tried to put on a stern face as looked up and back at Sparks. “Say, what are you doing in here anyway? Just come to bother The Old Man again?”
“Actually, no, sir. This message just came in from Fleet HQ.” O’Casey handed Darrow a sheet of paper. “I could barely hear the Morse code through the high-frequency radio receiver static. It’s pretty bad today, Skipper.”
Darrow took the paper and read the handwritten message, in O’Casey’s meticulous handwriting.
To ZPG-2 airship 323
From Air Fleet Command Moffett Field
Divert immediately to rendezvous USS Bastogne (CVE-124)
to pick up two personnel and equipment
then proceed best possible speed to
Lat 39o 25' N Long 141o 47' W.
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