Sotto Voce.

"Qui plume a, guerre a." — Voltaire

Long Distances

I’m in a hotel room near Golden, Colorado today, after a day taking notes while sitting in a conference of science experts. Lots of ties being worn. I am tired, in part because my colleague and I didn’t make it to the hotel until 10:30 last night (plus two hours for the time change, plus all the life that modern air travel sucks out of you) and had to be up at OMFG-thirty. But also because I had to be concentrating for eight hours straight — except for the five minutes between when i got my lunch and the lunch speaker started his presentation.

Turns out I can type pretty well with one hand gripping a sandwich.

I haven’t flown in about five years, since our last trip to London. It was actually a fairly painless trip, as flights go. Plenty of overhead storage and a light atmosphere, mostly people returning from vacations. I had entertaining seatmates — a couple on their way to California for a family reunion. He was an old-fashioned hale fellow well met — a salesman, I was not surprised to learn. I like talking with people who like to talk. It’s one of the reasons I love taking cabs everywhere in Baltimore.

I brought my Airport Express so that I could try blowing up a little protective wireless bubble inside my hotel room. After a couple rounds of setup grief, I got it working and now I can lounge on the bed while I type and surf. I do like that.

Tomorrow morning we return. I can’t wait to drop off the car at the rental place — they were so slow last night that time seemed to be flowing in reverse. Hopefully the flight will be uneventful too.

Truly amazing. Here I am sitting in my hotel room and just created my boarding pass for tomorrow’s flight. (Window seat, boarding call 2. Things are looking up.) Truly wondrous times we live in.

Categorised as: Life the Universe and Everything

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